Seems Charlie is responsible

Lucy rushes into the kitchen, a look of concern on her face.

Lucy: ‘Mumma, Charlie is a feddick’

Me: ‘She’s a what?’ *eyebrows raised*

Lucy:’A feddick’

Me: ‘Lucy, what does ‘feddick’ mean?’ *scratches head, tries to decipher five year old talk*

Lucy: ‘Mumma, she steals all the love that’s meant to go from you to me. That’s why you get angry sometimes. See – she’s a feddick.’ *points at Charlie, who raises her top lip in a guilty grin.* (doesn’t take much)

Me: ‘Of course I see, Lucy. Feddick indeed.’ *rushes to google…google isn’t helpful. looks at Charlie, who’s still grinning.* Clearly there is some communication going on I will never understand.

Anyone have any ideas?

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